easyTEST - using stealth redirection

Welcome to the Freeservers stealth forwarding page for easytest.com.

The testing of our stealth forwarding service on Freeservers has been successful, the results and any problems encountered are shown on the table below.

Windows Netscape No problems encountered
Windows Internet Explorer No problems encountered
Windows Opera No problems encountered
Linux Netscape No problems encountered
Linux Mozilla No problems encountered
Macintosh Netscape No problems encountered
Macintosh Internet Explorer No problems encountered

If you have any questions or comments, or have found a problem that we appear to have missed or a browser we have not tested, either email support@easydns.com or post a message on our discussion forum, through the botton in the left sidebar.

If you do not already have a domain name, or have not signed up for service with , please visit the main site to find out more about the benefits of being a member.